Function Composition

Spring Cloud Stream includes an integration with Spring Cloud Function's function-based programming model that lets the business logic of an application be modeled as a java.util.Function, a java.util.Consumer, and a java.util.Supplier, representing the roles of a Processor, a Sink, and a Source, respectively.

The guide on Programming Models shows how to write a Processor by using the functional style.

Building on this foundation, we can extend existing Source and Sink applications by importing the configuration of an existing Source or Sink and adding code that defines a java.util.Function.

Consider the following stream:

http | transformer --expression=(\"Hello \"+payload.toString().toUpperCase()) | log

For certain use-cases, a simple payload transformation logic may not require a standalone application, and it may be beneficial to combine the transformation with either the source or the sink. For example, we may want to avoid an extra application being deployed for such a small amount of logic or avoid having any sensitive data be sent on the messaging middleware.

To do this, we can create a new source applications that imports the HttpSourceConfiguration and registers a java.util.Function as a Spring bean. This automatically applies the function after the original source's output. Similarly, for a Sink instance, the function is applied before the sink's input.

Also, you can not only compose the original source or sink with a single function, but you can declaratively compose several functions with the original source or sink.

In this guide, we create the stream defined earlier and then create a new http-transformer source application that encapsulates the original transformer expression as two java.util.Function instances. A new stream is deployed to do the same processing but now using only two applications instead of three.

For this guide we assume that the respective http, transformer, and log applications have already been imported and registered with Spring Cloud Data Flow, as described in the Installation guide.

Using Three Applications

For the first stream, we use the prebuilt http, transform, and log applications.

First, we create the following stream:

stream create hello --definition "http --server.port=9000 | transformer --expression=(\"Hello \"+payload.toString().toUpperCase()) | log"

Then we deploy the stream, as follows:

stream deploy hello

In this guide, we use local installation so that we can post some data to the endpoint on localhost, as follows:

http post --data "friend" --target "http://localhost:9000"

You can see the following log message in the log application:

[sformer.hello-1] log-sink                                 : Hello FRIEND

Using Two Applications

In this step, we create and register a a new source application that combines the functionality of the two applications in the Stream (http | transformer) into one application. We then deploy the new stream and verify that the output of is the same as in the previous example.

The new source application is called http-transformer and imports the http source application's configuration and defines two java.util.Function instances as Spring Beans. The following listing shows the source for this application:

public class HttpSourceRabbitApplication {

	public Function<String, String> upper() {
		return value -> value.toUpperCase();

	public Function<String, String> concat() {
		return value -> "Hello "+ value;

	public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

Spring Cloud Stream has a property called It takes a pipe- or comma-delimited list of functions, which are invoked in order.

When this property is set, the functional beans are automatically chained at runtime.

The functional composition happens in the following way:

  • When the Spring Cloud Stream application is of type Source, the composed function is applied after the source output.
  • When the Spring Cloud Stream application is of type Sink, the composed function is applied before the sink input.

To apply the upper function and then the concat function, the property needs to be set as follows:|concat

The pipe symbol is used by Spring Cloud Function to compose together two functions that live in the same JVM. Note that the pipe symbol in the Spring Cloud Data Flow DSL is used to connect the messaging middleware output from one application to another.

Now you can build the new source, register it, and deploy the stream on your local machine.


You can skip this section if you want to register the maven or docker resource URI of the http-transformer that we have made available on our Maven repository and Dockerhub.

You can download the source code for this application from Github.

If you use the RabbitMQ binder, you can download http-transformer-with-RabbitMQ-binder After downloading and unpacking the source code, you can build the application by using Maven, as follows:

cd composed-http-transformer-kafka
./mvnw clean install

If you use the Kafka binder, you can download http-transformer-with-Kafka-binder After downloading and unpacking the source code, you can build the application by using Maven, as follows:

cd composed-http-transformer-rabbitmq
./mvnw clean install

Registering the Locally Built Application

Now you can register http-transformer application by using the Data Flow Shell, as follows:

app register --name http-transformer --type source --uri file:///<YOUR-SOURCE-CODE>/target/composed-http-transformer-[kafka/rabbitmq]-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

For the --uri option, replace the directory name and path of the artifact with the values appropriate to your system.

Registering the Readily Available Application

The Maven and Docker artifacts of the http-transformer application are readily available in both the Kafka and RabbitMQ binders.

The following listing describes a Maven artifact with a Kafka binder:

app register --name http-transformer --type source --uri maven://io.spring.dataflow.sample:composed-http-transformer-kafka:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT

The following listing describes a Maven artifact with a RabbitMQ binder:

app register --name http-transformer --type source --uri maven://io.spring.dataflow.sample:composed-http-transformer-rabbitmq:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT

The following listing describes a Docker artifact with a Kafka binder:

app register --name http-transformer --type source --uri docker://springcloudstream/composed-http-transformer-kafka:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT

The following listing describes a Docker artifact with a RabbitMQ binder:

app register --name http-transformer --type source --uri docker://springcloudstream/composed-http-transformer-rabbitmq:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT

Deploying the Stream

We can now deploy a new stream by using the http-transform application that includes the functional beans with the names upper and concat.

stream create helloComposed --definition "http-transformer --server.port=9001 | log"

To chain the order in which the functions are run, we have to use the property to define the function definition. The function definition represents the functional DSL defined by Spring Cloud Function.

In this case, it is as follows:

stream deploy helloComposed --properties "|concat"

The preceding deployment composes the upper and concat function beans into the http source application.

Then we can send the payload to http application, as follows:

http post --data "friend" --target "http://localhost:9001"

Then you can see the output in the log application, as follows:

[helloComposed-1] log-sink                                 : Hello FRIEND

Kotlin Support

Kotlin is supported in Spring Cloud Function. You can add Kotlin-based function beans in your applications. You can add any Kotlin function beans into composable functions for Source or Sink applications.

To see this work, we can create another sample application (http-transformer-kotlin) that defines Kotlin function beans.

The Kotlin function bean is configured as a processor. Here, the Kotlin function bean is the transform function, as defined below:

open fun transform(): (String) -> String {
   return { "How are you ".plus(it) }

Also, this project has the spring-cloud-function-kotlin as a dependency to apply functional configuration support for Kotlin functions, which is defined as follows:



You can skip this section if you want to register the maven or docker resource URI of the http-transformer-kotlin with the Spring Cloud Data Flow server.

You can download the source code for this application from Github.

If you use the RabbitMQ binder, you can download http-transformer-kotlin-with-RabbitMQ-binder After downloading and unpacking the source code, you can build the application by using Maven, as follows:

cd composed-http-transformer-kotlin-kafka
./mvnw clean install

If you use the Kafka binder, you can download http-transformer-kotlin-with-Kafka-binder After downloading and unpacking the source code, you can build the application by using Maven, as follows:

cd composed-http-transformer-kotlin-rabbitmq
./mvnw clean install

Registering the Locally Built Application

Now you can register http-transformer-kotlin application by using the Data Flow Shell, as follows:

app register --name http-transformer-kotlin --type source --uri file:///>YOUR-SOURCE-CODE>/target/composed-http-transformer-kotlin-[kafka/rabbitmq]-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

For the --uri option, replace the directory name and path of the artifact with the value appropriate to your system.

Registering the Readily Available Application

The Maven/Docker artifacts of the http-transformer application are readily available in both the Kafka and RabbitMQ binders.

The following listing describes a Maven artifact with a Kafka binder:

app register --name http-transformer-kotlin --type source --uri maven://io.spring.dataflow.sample:composed-http-transformer-kotlin-kafka:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT

The following listing describes a Maven artifact with a RabbitMQ binder:

app register --name http-transformer-kotlin --type source --uri maven://io.spring.dataflow.sample:composed-http-transformer-kotlin-rabbitmq:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT

The following listing describes a Docker artifact with a Kafka binder:

app register --name http-transformer-kotlin --type source --uri docker://springcloudstream/composed-http-transformer-kotlin-kafka:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT

The following listing describes a Docker artifact with a RabbitMQ binder:

app register --name http-transformer-kotlin --type source --uri docker://springcloudstream/composed-http-transformer-kotlin-rabbitmq:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT

Deploying the Stream

To create a stream with the http-transformer-kotlin application as the Source, run the following command:

stream create helloComposedKotlin --definition "http-transformer-kotlin --server.port=9002 | log"

As we did in the http-transformer example, we can use property to specify any valid composed function DSL to construct the functional composition. In this case, we can combine the function beans registered with Java configuration along with the function bean from Kotlin processor configuration, as the following example shows:

stream deploy helloComposedKotlin --properties "|transform|concat"

In the following example, the function name (transform) corresponds to Kotlin function name:

http post --data "friend" --target "http://localhost:9002"

Note We can perform the composition between Kotlin functions and Java functions because Kotlin functions are internally converted into java.util.Function.

You can see the output in the log application, as follows:

[omposedKotlin-1] log-sink               : Hello How are you FRIEND